1. Electric Risk
1.1. Common electric risk factors
1.2. Effects of current in human beings
1.3. Electric impedance of the human body Exercises
2. Significant figures
2.1. Rules of significant figures
2.2. Mathematical operations with significant figures Exercises
3. System of Units
3.1. International System of Units
3.2. Base units
3.3. Derived units
3.4. Multiples and sub-multiples
3.5. Printing rules
4. Scientific Notation
4.1. Mathematical operations with scientific notation
4.2. Scientific notation and significant figures
4.3. Printing rules
5. Electrical quantities
5.1. Electric charge
5.2. Electric current
5.3. Voltage
5.4. Power
5.5. Energy Excercises
6. Electric Circuit
6.1. Circuit elements
6.2. Electric circuit
6.3. Circuit concepts
6.4. Circuit analysis
7. Ohm's Law
7.1. Electric resistance
7.2. Rated power Exercises
8. Kirchhoff's Laws
8.1. Kirchhoff's Current Law (KCL)
8.2. Kirchhoff's Voltage Law (KVL)
8.3. Delta-wye and wye-delta transformations
9. Methods of Analysis
9.1. Nodal analysis
9.2. Mesh analysis Exercises
10. Operational Amplifier
10.1. Ideal OP AMP
10.2. Inverting amplifier
10.3. Non-inverting amplifier
10.4. Voltage follower
10.5. Summing amplifier
10.6. Difference amplifier
10.7. Cascaded OP AMP circuits
10.8. Non-ideal OP AMP Exercises
11. Circuit Theorems
11.1. Linearity theorem
11.2. Superposition principie
11.3. Source transformation
11.4. Thévenin's theorem
11.5. Norton's theorem
11.6. Relationship between Thévenin's and Norton's theorems
11.7. Maximum power transfer theorem
12. Capacitors and Inductors
12.1. Capacitor
12.2. Inductor
13. First-Order Circuits
13.1. Solution of first-order differential equation
13.2. Forcing functions: Singularity functions
13.3. First-order circuits
14. Second Order Circuits
14.1. Solution of second-order differential equation Excercises
15. Introduction to Measurement Systems in DC Circuits
15.1. Accuracy
15.2. Precision
15.3. Uncertainty
15.4. Error
15.5. Specifications of digital measurement instruments
15.6. Measurement of DC current
15.7. Measurement of OC voltage
15.8. Measurement of resistance
15.9. Measurement of power
This book is intended as a major support for the OC Electric Circuits course from the Electrical Engineering program and the Automation Engineering program at Universidad de La Salle. Its main contribution is to provide the students with a step-by-step explanation and detailed illustrations about the main concepts and analysis techniques 0f DC electrie circuits and their related measurement systems.
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