CHAPTER 1. he Concept of Organization in Organized Crime and Crimes against Humanity Ricardo Cacho García
CHAPTER 2. Cybercrime: Principal Threat in Cyberspace? Laura Coronado Contreras and Jesús Edmundo Coronado Contreras
CHAPTER 3. Same language same results: Sharing judicial notice - Adrián Estrada Mena
CHAPTER 4. International Crimes Committed Against Indigenous People in Mexico: An Analysis of Forced Sterilization Practices - Ana Laura Hernández Martínez
CHAPTER 5. Are the penalties adopted by the International Criminal Court truly reasonable? - Miguel Ángel Ortega Muñoz
CHAPTER 6. Crimes committed in the field of hydrocarbons in Mexico. A legal and contextual analysis Víctor Manuel Palacios Certucha
CHAPTER 7. The main international anti-corruption instruments Concetta Mariagrazia Passamano
CHAPTER 8. Child soldiers, perpetrators or victims? Thogori Mary Mathenge
CHAPTER 9. The interest of justice and the decisions on the request for authorization of an investigation into the situation of Afghanistan - Rodrigo Alejandro Ramos Gómez
CHAPTER 10. Genocide in the Balkans. Why not to agree with the UN War Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia and its Residual Mechanism, that the genocide in Bosnia Herzegovina only occurred in Srebrenica during the 1992-95 war - Mónica Rocha Herrera
CHAPTER 11. Territorial control and the "Zeta" expansion model. A reflection from International Criminal Law - Keyla Harummi Vargas Rojas
CHAPTER 12. The ultimate and perhaps last paradigm shift artificial intelligence - Jimena Sofia Viveros Álvarez
The world is constantly changing. Advances in science and technology have generated a globalized society, which faces many challenges, one of them is the criminal phenomenon.
Crime evolved to levels never imagined, growing exponentially across borders and affecting a greater number of people. The impact of certain criminal acts has consequences not only at the local level, but also reaches the international level.
In this context, International Criminal Law acquires greater relevance, being that subject that studies and analyzes the greatest crimes, which by their particular nature affect all the world.
The commission of crimes against humanity, war crimes, and genocide has marked the history of humanity and demanded the presence of international tribunals. However, the growth of transnational organized crime activities has also severely affected the world, both physical and digital.
This book focuses on some essential aspects of the development of this novel legal matter, which details its importance from different perspectives, combining the theoretical and practical experience of its authors, all recognized specialists in the field of International Criminal Law.
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