List Of Abbreviations Abstract
Introduction To The Study
Chapter One: Definitions, Evolutlon And Function Of Corporate Social Responslbility Theory
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Evolution of the Corporate Social Responsibility
1.3 Defining CSR
1.4 The dichotomy between profits and social goals
1.5 Considerations for the 21st century according to CSR
1.5.1 United Nations initiative ofbusiness and human rights The governance gaps 1.5.2 Guidelines and Principies
1.5.3 Reporting initiatives
1.5.4. Industry standards and management systems
1.5.5 Brief reference to the local content policies
Chapter Two: the social conflicits and local economic impacts presented by the operation of extractive industries
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Brief background on the economic approach of the resource curse theory
2.2.1. The Reinter States
2.3. Brief background on the social and political approach of the resource curse theory
2.4 Brief background to the possible solutions of the curse
Chapter Three: The Aproach Of The Local Content Initiatives
3.1 Introduction
3.2 What are actions or policies of local content?
3.2.1. The strategy of local content
3.2.2. The host Government
3.2.3. The companies Theoretical support to the actions of local content business Local business content actions
3.2.4. The Civil Society
3.3. Problems and unbiased reviews to the implementation of local content policies
Chapter Four: Pract1cal Examples/ Case-Studles For The Implementation Of Csr Pollcies Related With Local Content In Mining Operations
4.1. Introduction
4.2. Rio Tinto
4.2.1 Summary of Rio Tinto strategy in terms of investment in local content
4.2.2. Example: Rio Tinto/ The Diavik diamond mine
4.3. Anglo American
4.3.1. Summary of Anglo American strategy in terms of investment in local content
4.3.2. Example: Anglo American Chile/ Program Emerge
4.4. Vale
4.4.1. Summary of Vale strategy in terms of investrnent in local content
4.4.2. Example: Vale/ Inove Program
Chapter Five : Conclusions And Major Findings Bibliography list of figures and tables
Figure 1: The Carroll Pyramid
Figure 2: Commodity Price Index
Figure 3: Potential Benefits of Business Linkages for Large Firms, Local Business Communities, and Small-Medium Enterprises
Figure 4: Linkages diagram
Figure 5: Consensus and Multi-stakeholder Dialogue for Local content
The idea that a private enterprise has a social function and some obligations to all stakeholders is not something that has always existed. Concepts like sustainable development and shared value appeared only after a long process of trial and error. Understanding the origins of the theory of corporate social responsibility and its evolution will allow us to be ever closer to solving the mystery of what should be the role of private capital in society. It will also help us determine its importance when facing significant challenges due to government absence or weakness over certain territories.
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